Speech Evaluations

Evaluation is at the core of the Toastmaster learning experience –  for without feedback we are prone to reinforce our bad speaking habits.
Use the Sandwich for Positive Encouragement
The sandwich outline allows us to encourage and give suggestions. I like to use the outline GOOD, RECOMMENDATIONS, and BEST. To insure we stay with in our 2 – 3 minute time frame we could only say one thing in each category and save the rest for our written evaluation. I often mention 2 to 3 things quickly in each category, always saving the best for last.
Demonstrate for Impact
Any time we can show people what we mean it will help them understand more. If we suggest that they should use more vocal variety, then we should take a phrase from their speech and use more volume and pitch and rate to demonstrate it to them. Did they do something really well – repeat that back so it reinforces their success.
Focus on the Objectives, not the Content
Whenever we reiterate a speech back to the speaker and audience we waste everyone’s time. We just heard the speech – we don’t need a recap. Each speech has specific objectives and our evaluation should focus on those objectives and not our opinion regarding the content of the speech.
We encourage each member of the Park City Toastmasters Club to seek out at least one other member in our club who can ‘mentor’ us. Someone whom we can relate to, learn from, and someone who can be a source of encouragement.
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